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GRE daily 10 words :Day 15


perspicacious = shrewd, astute, keen-witted
use = His perspicacious grandfather had bought the land as an investment,

stint = limit, assignment
use = He has just finished a stint of compulsory military service

 = sprout or flourish
use = Love burgeoned between them

derogatory = degrading
use = derogatory comment

benevolent = kind
use = a benevolent action

rectitude = moral uprightness
use = unquestioned moral rectitude

 = formalize
use = *

piddling = trivial
use = we made a piddling profit of Rs 20,000 last year

decipher = decode
use = to decipher someone's handwriting

 = unmanly
use = An effeminate man entered the room 


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